March 3, 2010
Again, a long time has gone by. I have been caught up in the whirlwind of change that is life. Sometimes it moves at such a rapid pace we can hardly keep up. Sometimes it is more stagnant. But not lately! For one thing, I've been traveling, locally and globally both. I took my youngest daughter to see Paris, a dream come true! Actually we went with her high school. What an exciting city; so much to see and do there! It is important that I write and thank her teachers for their great job. They did an amazing job of organizing and managing 28 students and 6 adult chaperone's. Appreciating what people have done and letting them and their employers know it is an important thing to do. So often, i neglect to do so. And then i complain about how others don't appreciate my work. Do unto others...Also Allah tells us to be grateful to others if we want to show gratitude to Him. "And, if you are grateful, I will give you increase..."
I have a new laptop to work with and am looking forward to getting back to my book and posting some of it here for your feedback. So please give me some when you read. Thanks!